Income Tax
Reporting self-employed profits 2023-24
The basis of assessment reforms will change the way trading income is allocated to tax years. The changes will affect sole traders and partnerships that use an accounting date between 6 April and 30
Read MoreWhen you can and cannot use the Rent-a-Room Scheme
The rent-a-room scheme is a set of special rules designed to help homeowners who rent-a-room in their home. If you are using this scheme, you should ensure that rents received from lodgers during the
Read MoreGetting a SA302 tax calculation
The SA302 tax calculation and tax year overview documents are commonly used as evidence of income for loan or mortgage purposes for the self-employed. The forms have become more widely used since the
Read MoreCannot pay your tax on time?
The second payment on account for Self-Assessment taxpayers for the 2022-23 tax year is due on 31 July 2023. Taxpayers are usually required to pay their Income Tax liabilities in three instalments
Read MoreUpdating your tax return
There are special rules to follow if you have submitted a Self-Assessment return and subsequently realise you need to change it. For example, tthis can happen if you made a mistake like entering a
Read MoreAdvising HMRC about changes in your income
There are a number of reasons why you might need to contact HMRC about changes in your income.
HMRC’s guidance states that this could happen because you:
did not realise you needed to tell HMRC
Read MoreTax relief for charitable donations
The Gift Aid scheme is available to all UK taxpayers. The charity or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC) concerned can take a taxpayer’s donation and, provided all the qualifying conditions are met,
Read MoreMarriage Allowance how it works
The marriage allowance is available to married couples and those in a civil partnership where a spouse or civil partner does not pay tax or does not pay tax above the basic rate threshold for Income
Read MoreOffshore taxpayers offered chance to come clean
HMRC is currently writing to UK residents who were named in the leaked Pandora Papers and offering them the chance to regularise their tax affairs. The letters are being sent to UK residents named in
Read MoreHMRC’s Self-Assessment line summer closure
HMRC’s Self-Assessment helpline closed on 12 June 2023 and will re-open on 4 September 2023. This closure is part of a trial to direct Self-Assessment queries from the helpline to HMRC’s digital
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